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Suicidal Ideation Treatments

Are thoughts of ending your life overwhelming you? It’s understandable to feel scared, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and there’s nothing shameful about reaching out for help. Suicidal ideation is a serious mental health issue that requires immediate professional attention.

At Amae Health, we provide compassionate, non-judgmental care for those struggling with these thoughts. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive treatment and prevention strategies tailored to your needs, helping you regain hope and find meaning in life.

Don’t face this challenge alone. Contact us today to take the first step toward recovery. With the right support and treatment, you can overcome these troubling thoughts and work towards a brighter future.

Call or text us at 310-601-5099 to speak with someone directly about treatment

What is Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal thoughts are more than just fleeting ideas—they can range from brief moments of despair to detailed plans for ending your life. These thoughts often arise when someone feels overwhelmingly sad, hopeless, or depressed, like a relentless dark cloud looming over them.

This is a serious condition, and it’s crucial to seek professional help as soon as these thoughts emerge. Here are some signs that someone may be struggling with suicidal thoughts:

  • Talking about wanting to die or expressing feelings of hopelessness.
  • Giving away personal belongings or abandoning important activities.
  • Suddenly appearing calm after a period of intense distress.
  • Withdrawing from friends and family, isolating themselves.
  • Increased use of drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism.

While these thoughts can be terrifying, they don’t have to be a permanent fixture in your life. Help is available, and reaching out for support is a vital first step. Start by talking to someone you trust, such as a parent, teacher, or counselor. Seeking professional help can provide you with the tools to manage these thoughts and rediscover hope.

Suicidal Thoughts Diagnosis

Diagnosing suicidal thoughts involves a thorough evaluation by mental health professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment. This process typically includes:

  • Clinical interviews: discussion of thoughts, feelings, and personal history.
  • Psychological evaluation: Assessment of mental status and risk factors
  • Medical examinations: Exclusion of physical illnesses that may contribute to symptoms.
  • Substance use screening: Screening for alcohol or drug use
  • Family history analysis: Assessing genetic and environmental factors.

Mental health professionals use specialized tools to assess suicide risk. These include:

  • Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
  • Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale (BSS)
  • The five-step suicide risk assessment (SAFE-T)

Early diagnosis is vital for prompt intervention and suicide treatment. If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, do not delay in seeking help. A professional assessment is the first step toward recovery and healing.

What Treatment is Available?

When it comes to suicidal thoughts treatment, it usually involves a combination of approaches tailored to individual needs. Available treatments include:

  • Psychotherapy: Various forms of talk therapy to address underlying issues.
  • Medication: Antidepressants or other medications to relieve symptoms
  • Crisis intervention: Emergency care during acute suicidal episodes.
  • Hospitalization: For severe cases requiring intensive care and observation
  • Support groups: Peer support and shared experiences
  • Family therapy: Involvement of loved ones in the treatment process
  • Case management: Coordination of care and support services
  • Lifestyle modification: Improving diet, exercise, and sleep habits.

Suicide therapy plans are customized to fit each person’s unique needs, symptoms, and preferences. A multidisciplinary approach often leads to the best outcomes in addressing suicidal thoughts. At Amae Health, we collaborate with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan designed to help you find hope and live a fulfilling life.

Psychological Treatments

Psychological treatments play a critical role in combating suicidal thoughts. They help people manage thoughts, develop coping strategies, and improve overall well-being. Here are some effective suicidal thoughts and psychological therapies.

Collaborative Management and Assessment of Suicidality (CAMS)

CAMS is a therapeutic system specifically designed to treat suicidal thoughts. It focuses on:

  • Building a strong therapeutic alliance
  • Identifying and addressing the patient’s suicidal “drivers”
  • Developing a collaborative treatment plan
  • Developing coping skills and problem-solving abilities
  • Regularly assessing and modifying the treatment approach.

CAMS helps people recognize their suicidal thoughts and actively work toward recovery. It empowers patients to take an active role in treatment to develop suicide prevention. This approach has shown promising results in reducing suicidal ideation.

Cognitive Behavior for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP/ CT-SP)

CBT-SP (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention) is an evidence-based treatment designed to address suicidal ideation. It focuses on:

  • Identifying and overcoming negative thought patterns
  • Developing effective coping strategies
  • Improving problem-solving skills
  • Creating a crisis safety plan
  • Increasing social support and connections
  • Preventing relapse by recognizing early warning signs

By using CBT-SP, individuals can transform harmful thinking and behavior patterns, equipping themselves with the tools needed to manage suicidal thoughts effectively. Research has shown that CBT-SP reduces suicidal behavior and enhances overall mental health.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is a thorough treatment for managing suicidal behavior, combining individual therapy with group skills training. It focuses on:

  • Mindfulness: Staying present and aware in the moment
  • Distress Tolerance: Coping with challenging situations
  • Emotion Regulation: Managing intense emotions
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: Enhancing relationships and communication

DBT equips individuals with the skills needed to handle strong emotions and reduce suicidal behavior. It is particularly effective for those with borderline personality disorder and has strong evidence supporting its ability to decrease suicidal thoughts and self-harming behavior.

Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT)

ABFT (Attachment-Based Family Therapy) is a family-centered approach designed to treat adolescent depression and suicidal ideation. It focuses on:

  • Restoring and strengthening family relationships
  • Improving communication between teens and parents
  • Addressing attachment issues and rebuilding trust
  • Enhancing family support for teens facing challenges
  • Developing coping skills within a family context

If you’re offered this approach in suicidal counseling, it’s worth considering. ABFT acknowledges the crucial role of family dynamics in a teen’s mental health and aims to create a supportive environment for recovery. Research has shown that ABFT effectively reduces suicidal thoughts in adolescents.

Prolonged Grief Therapy (PGT)

PGT (Complicated Grief Therapy) is a specialized treatment for individuals experiencing complicated grief that may lead to suicidal thoughts. It focuses on:

  • Navigating the aftermath of loss
  • Addressing avoidant behaviors
  • Reconnecting with positive memories of the deceased
  • Finding meaning and purpose after the loss
  • Setting new goals and building new relationships

PGT helps individuals manage the grieving process and alleviate associated suicidal thoughts. It is particularly beneficial for those dealing with profound loss. This therapy has been proven effective in reducing grief-related distress and suicidal thoughts.

Our Suicidal Thoughts Treatment Programs

At Amae Health, we offer comprehensive treatment programs for managing suicidal ideation. Our approach includes:

  • Thorough assessment and diagnosis of suicidal thoughts
  • Individualized treatment planning tailored to each patient
  • Evidence-based interventions specifically designed for suicidal ideation
  • Medication management when appropriate
  • Crisis intervention and safety planning for immediate suicidal crises
  • Family education and support to help loved ones understand and assist with suicidal ideation
  • Group therapy and peer support for connecting with others facing similar challenges
  • Life skills training to manage and cope with suicidal feelings
  • Ongoing care and relapse prevention strategies to maintain progress

Our team of mental health professionals works collaboratively to provide holistic care. We are dedicated to addressing suicidal thoughts, fostering hope, and enhancing overall quality of life. Our programs are customized to meet your unique needs and circumstances related to suicidal ideation.

Begin Treatment for Suicidal Thoughts

Taking the first step towards treating suicidal ideation can be daunting, but at Amae Health, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Here’s how to begin:

  1. Contact our intake team to schedule an initial assessment.
  2. Attend an appointment with our mental health professionals.
  3. Receive a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Start your journey to recovery with our comprehensive care.

Don’t let suicidal thoughts dictate your life. Reach out to Amae Health today to take the first step towards hope and healing. With the right support and treatment, recovery is within reach. Our compassionate team is ready to guide you through the process.

Do you believe you or a loved one are experiencing Suicidal Ideations?

Call or text us at 310-601-5099


What Counts as Suicidal Ideation?

Suicidal ideation involves thoughts about ending one’s life. These can range from fleeting thoughts to detailed plans. Passive ideation involves merely wishing to die, while active ideation includes planning specific methods for suicide.

What to Do When You Are Depressed and Suicidal?

If you’re feeling depressed and suicidal, it’s crucial to seek immediate help. Consider these steps:

  • Call a crisis hotline or emergency services.
  • Talk to a trusted person.
  • Remove access to lethal means.
  • Avoid isolating yourself.
  • Reach out to a mental health professional.

How to Handle a Suicidal Person?

 If someone you know is suicidal, it’s important to:

  • Take their feelings seriously.
  • Listen without judgment.
  • Remove potential dangers.
  • Encourage them to seek professional help.
  • Stay with them or ensure they are not alone.
  • Call emergency services if necessary.

What Are Suicide Interventions?

Suicide interventions are measures taken to prevent suicide, including:

  • Crisis hotlines
  • Safety planning
  • Therapy
  • Medication
  • Hospitalization
  • Ongoing support